Hello readers,
I know another post so soon is not characteristic for me but yesterday I saw ‘A Star is Born’ and it really moved me so I couldn’t not write about it. I will also give my thoughts on ‘A Simple Favour’ another great film that I saw last week.
A Star is Born

This film was one of the few films that has affected me in such a physical way. I have been known to cry at many films but this one elicited a different reaction. It’s beautiful story and combined with the original sounds and brilliant performances by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, A Star is Born moved me. I felt strongly for the characters and their pain which stayed with me for several hours. It was as if the events had happened to me and not just on the screen.
As this film is the fifth version of this tale, you may think there was nothing left to do with the story but this film proved that this simply isn’t the case. Lady Gaga plays Ally, a waitress who sings in drag club. She isn’t pursuing a career successfully due to music industry executives telling her she has the right voice but the wrong face. When famous rock country singer Jackson Maine (Cooper) stumbles across her performing, he immediately recognises her talent. She is invited to sing on stage with him and they perform her original song. She quickly becomes successful while Jackson is struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction and tinnitus.
All the songs were written especially for the film and always express the character’s feelings at that point within the film. My personal favourite is Shallow which is the first song Jackson and Ally sing together.
There has been a lot of buzz around this film and for good reason. Even though this is Lady Gaga’s first film, I will be disappointed if she doesn’t receive award nominations. I give A Star is Born 5/5.
Lady Gaga (American Horror Story) as Ally
Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) as Jackson Maine
Sam Elliott (Road House) as Bobby, Jackson’s manager/brother
Andrew Dice Clay (The Adventures of Ford Fairlane) as Lorenzo, Ally’s father
Rafi Gavron (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist) as Rez, Ally’s manager
Anthony Ramos (Younger) as Ramon, Ally’s co-worker and friend
A Simple Favour

A Simple Favour really surprised me with it’s plot. The trailer gave me some ideas as to what the film would entail but I was truly surprised. The film follows mummy vlogger Stephanie played by Anna Kendrick becoming friends with Emily, a fellow mum at her son’s school. They drink martinis together and tell secrets. Emily is a very mysterious person and never reveals anything about her past. She also disappears for a while with no explanation. Even her husband Sean and son Nicky don’t know her secrets. She is always impeccably dressed in suits and works in the city as a PR manager.
After Emily goes missing, Stephanie tries to find her. I don’t want to say much more as it would spoil the film but what happened next was shocking and unexpected.
Anna Kendrick was amazing as always and excelled in a darker role. Her humorous tone and attitude really worked well with her character. Blake Lively was also very different and surprised me with her performance. Her whole body changed into her character, every movement or look was carefully executed. Her outfits and the decor of Emily and Sean’s house added to the rich glamour of their world.
I give A Simple Favour 5/5.
Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect) as Stephanie
Blake Lively (Gossip Girl) as Emily
Henry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians) as Sean
Ian Ho (Willa) as Nicky
Joshua Satine (Godless) as Miles, Stephanie’s son
Other films I have seen recently that I would recommend are Faces Places (2018), Fight Club (1999) and Superbad (2007).
Happy Watching,
Robyn 🙂