One of my personal favourite Christmas films. This year, I watched it in early November but will most likely be watching it again this holiday season. In my opinion, this is the best of the Nativity films. David Tennant as Donald Peterson, a supply teacher who stumbles across St Bernadette’s when Mrs Bevan is at the end of her tether. Her nephew, Mr Poppy has driven away the last few supply teachers and she needs someone to discipline them. Fortunately for Mr Peterson, the children are preoccupied with entering the Song for Christmas competition. After Mrs Bevan says no, they kidnap Mr Peterson and go on a wild road trip to the castle in Wales. After Mr Shakespeare, teacher at rival school, Oakmoor turns the sign around on his journey to the competition, St Bernadette’s get very lost.
Featuring magic donkeys; a boat that swims; snow globe sabotage; baby auditions; daring abseiling and white water rafting. This film is non-stop fun and laughter. Most the kids from the first film are back and now that they are a bit older, have more talent and better comedic timing. David Tennant also plays his twin brother Rodrick and if you didn’t know Tennant, you would think he had a twin in real life.
A great British film with fun for all the family that isn’t set during the big day. 5/5.