This ensemble comedy from 2003 is widely considered the best British Christmas film. With some of the best British and American actors, many of whom have become household names, this film is full to the brim with talent. It shows different characters in the lead up to Christmas, the newly-wed couple and love-struck best man; the cheated writer who finds a new beau in France; the prime minister and his assistant; the widowed husband and his love-sick step-son; the stand ins with chemistry; the boss and his assistant and his wife; the Brit abroad looking for love in the US; the American who has loved the same man for 2 years but has a troublesome brother and the old pop star and his manager trying to get a new Christmas number one.
An element I really love is that all the characters tie in with each other or bump into each other a some point or another. A few stand out moments are Hugh Grant’s dancing; Natalie’s crazy family and Rowan Atkinson packing a Christmas gift.
I have watched this film every Christmas for the last five years or so, since I discovered it and will definitely be watching it again this year. I give it 5/5.